UFO Claims: Alien Technology or Psyop?

There’s a palpable change in the air when it comes to the discourse around UFOs and extraterrestrial life. After years of alien theories being relegated to the fringes, both the U.S. government and mainstream media are now adopting a decidedly more serious tone towards these phenomena. 

Could these claims be part of a psychological operation, or psyop? Psyops are operations conducted by governments, intelligence agencies, or military units with the aim of influencing, confusing, or deceiving the perceptions and attitudes of individuals, groups, or foreign governments. They are a common tool in the arsenal of statecraft and have been used in various forms throughout history. 

This sudden shift begs the question, why now? The idea of the U.S. government faking an alien presence or admitting to the existence of aliens, despite the lack of clear evidence, could be motivated by several factors. 

  1. Distraction: The government might use such a strategy to distract the public from more pressing or controversial issues. It would be a form of misdirection, steering public attention and debate away from matters the government may wish to avoid.
  1. Psychological Warfare: If potential adversaries believe the U.S. has access to advanced alien technology, it could serve as a deterrent, making them think twice before engaging in hostile actions. This is essentially a form of psychological warfare.
  1. Control and Power: Promoting fear or awe of extraterrestrials might serve to consolidate power. By positioning themselves as the protectors against a potential alien threat, government entities could justify increased control or power.
  1. Technological Advancement: Admitting to the existence of aliens could be a way to prepare the public for the introduction of advanced technology that might otherwise seem abrupt or shocking. This could help ease the transition and acceptance of these technologies.
  1. Unity: Facing a common, external threat can often bring people together, promoting unity and cooperation. The idea of an alien presence could potentially serve this purpose on a global scale.
  1. Stimulating interest in Military Spending: If the public believes there is a potential threat of alien invasion, they will be more willing to continue to give the Military Industrial Complex more and more money.
  1. Stimulating Interest in Space Exploration: If the public is captivated by the idea of extraterrestrial life, it may lead to increased support and funding for space exploration and related scientific research.
  1. Testing Public Reaction: Releasing information about aliens could be a way to gauge public reaction to extraordinary or unexpected news, which could be valuable information in itself for future reference.

While there is no concrete evidence to support that the U.S. government and corporate media are actively engaging in any of these strategies regarding the existence of aliens, you never know.

Photo by Danie Franco