Mexico Holds Line Against US and Corporate Push of GMO Corn, Stands Up for Food Sovereignty

In the eye of a storm fuelled by the United States’ brute force and corporate giants like Bayer’s, Monsanto, Mexico staunchly fights to secure its food sovereignty. Unyielding under the shadow of a powerful agribusiness lobby and big biotech, Mexico remains a bulwark against GMO corn, defending its cultural heritage and putting its people before profits.

In an audacious move, Mexico’s president recently announced that tortillas would henceforth be free from the grasp of GMO corn. The federal government fired a salvo against corporate influence, unveiling a draft proposal to revise the Official Mexican Standard (NOM), aiming to decisively outlaw the use of GM corn in tortilla production.

Yet, this proposed ban has been met with fierce resistance from the United States. Under the sway of the agribusiness lobby, the puppet-master of powerful agricultural interests, the US government is arm-twisted into pressuring Mexico to yield to the will of GMO corn. These groups, acting as the mouthpiece of corporate interests, champion biotechnology as the saviour of food security and climate change mitigation. Critics, however, pierce through their veneer, revealing an underlying agenda driven more by profit margins than the welfare of Mexican consumers and farmers.

The response from the US to Mexico’s unflinching stand to shield its food system is a cold dish of disapproval and threats of economic retaliation. With an estimated $5 billion worth of corn exports to Mexico, mostly GMO varieties, the US serves corporate interests, attempting to perpetuate its dominance in the global corn trade while ignoring Mexico’s concerns.

While the World Health Organization, potentially under the influence of corporate powers, endorses the safety of GMOs, Mexico maintains a healthy skepticism. Its focus remains steadfast on preserving traditional corn varieties and biodiversity. By standing up against the US and corporate pressure and advocating for its food sovereignty, Mexico strives to secure the livelihoods of small-scale farmers and assure access to culturally significant and nutritious food for its populace.

Facing the onslaught from the US and its corporate puppeteers, Mexico’s president rallies domestic support, entering agreements with local tortilla producers to only use non-GMO white corn. Furthermore, the government plans to impose tariffs on white corn imports from countries lacking trade agreements with Mexico, aiming to embolden domestic production and slash dependence on external, potentially corrupted, sources.

Mexico’s resolute defiance of GMO corn underscores its unwavering commitment to protecting its cultural identity and traditional agricultural practices. Amid the escalating tension with the US and the shadow of corporate giants, Mexico emerges as a beacon of resistance against the corrosive influence of lobbyist-controlled groups and corporations, underlining the importance of food sovereignty and the right to determine its own agricultural destiny, free from corruption and corporate greed.
Photo by Jen Theodore