Lindsey Graham Told Cops They Should Have Shot Jan. 6 Rioters All in the Head

Senator Lindsey Graham is an almost consummate ally of Donald Trump, but he sometimes attempts to distance himself from the former President and remain separate from any connection between himself and the events of the January 6th 2020 storming of the capitol.

In excerpts compiled by Politico, months after January 6th, Graham was puzzled over why police officers didn’t open fire on people at the capitol. “I don’t understand why that didn’t happen,” Graham reportedly said at a meeting with law enforcement.

“You guys should have shot them all in the head,” Graham said. “We gave you guys guns, and you should have used them,” Graham added, scolding the police for nonviolent restraint.

Graham’s remarks place him in the category of person that believes extrajudicial killing by the cops is not only acceptable, but should be encouraged. Lindsey Graham demands that cops kill people at political buildings.

When Graham was campaigning against Trump in the 2016 presidential election, Trump said of Lindsay, ““He’s one of the dumbest human beings I’ve ever seen.” Trump also said that Lindsey was not even qualified to run as a dog catcher in his home-state of South Carolina. 

Despite Trump frequently calling Lindsey Graham an idiot, the two became friendly during Trump’s tenure at the White House. Graham was known to fiercely support and defend Trump during his time in office. Yet, Graham stood apart from some of his peers in publicly recognizing the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential victory. Graham publicly declared the lawful election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, while many other Republicans were calling it a stolen election and massive crowds of Trump supporters, not believing election results, were prepared to take control of governmental buildings in order to restore Trump’s presidency.

Lindsey Graham continues to carry a special admiration for Donald Trump and calls him “magic.” Graham has called the Biden administration a disaster and he hopes Trump runs again in 2024.

Photo by Colin Lloyd from Unsplash