The Alien Mind of AI: A Nonzero Conversation with Robert Wright and Steven Pinker

In a recent thought-provoking conversation on the Nonzero YouTube channel, Steven Pinker joins host Robert Wright to delve into the complexities of artificial intelligence, its implications, and its future.


Robert Wright is a renowned public intellectual, distinguished author, journalist, and scholar, widely respected for his insightful analyses on science, religion, and human nature. He is the publisher of the Nonzero newsletter and the host of the Nonzero podcast. Wright has authored several acclaimed books, including:


“Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny” – A compelling argument that biological and cultural evolution are part of the same process, suggesting that life on Earth moves towards greater complexity and cooperation.

“The Moral Animal: Why We Are the Way We Are: The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology” – A groundbreaking exploration of the evolutionary roots of human behavior, offering profound insights into why we act the way we do.

“The Evolution of God” – A finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, this book examines the history and development of religion through the lens of evolutionary theory.

“Why Buddhism is True: The Science and Philosophy of Meditation and Enlightenment” – A deep dive into the science and philosophy behind Buddhist practices, explaining how they can lead to personal and societal well-being.

Wright’s work is celebrated for its depth, clarity, and ability to connect complex ideas in science and philosophy to broader human concerns. His contributions have not only enriched public understanding of evolutionary psychology and religion but have also fostered a greater appreciation for the interconnectedness of human progress.


Steven Pinker is a well known popular science author. He is a professor at Harvard University and has written several books.



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