Scientists Alarmed, Condemn Biden Administration Gag Rule for Federal Scientists

Scientists are expressing alarm over the White House’s “scientific integrity” framework, saying it amounts to a “gag rule” that will harm federal researchers’ ability to study issues including public health threats.

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) issued the “Framework for Federal Scientific Integrity Policy and Practice” containing a model scientific integrity policy that all federal agencies are urged to emulate. In the section entitled “Ensuring the Free Flow of Scientific Information” the policy reads:

“[AGENCY] scientists shall refrain from making or publishing statements that could be construed as being judgments of, or recommendations on, [AGENCY] or any other Federal Government policy, unless they have secured appropriate prior approval to do so. Such communications shall remain within the bounds of their scientific or technological findings, unless specifically otherwise authorized.”

Jeff Ruch, from the Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), wrote in a statement that the policy is “unconstitutional” and “serves no discernible purpose” other than muzzling federal scientists. 

“This restriction on discussing the implications of research has no place in a scientific integrity policy.” Declared Pacific PEER Director Jeff Ruch. “Typically, it is only scientific research that has policy implications that is at risk of suppression or political manipulation.”

“Government scientists should not need to cast a profile in courage to openly discuss the implications of their research,” Ruch added.

In a letter to the OSTP Director advocating the removal of that provision of its Model Policy, PEER points out that it can be used to punish scientists or stifle controversial research, such as –

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) research showing that toxic PFAS or other pollutants are migrating off of military bases due to inadequate controls;

Centers for Disease Control research showing that dangerous viruses and other pathogens are at risk of release from U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) wildlife research laboratories due to the absence of independent biosafety reviews; or

USGS research showing that water degradation is caused by overgrazing the Bureau of Land Management permits on its livestock allotments or that fish mutations can be traced to a lack of EPA regulation of endocrine disrupters entering waterways.

The language in the White House’s framework is concerning as it could restrict scientists from conducting research into important public health issues and sharing their findings freely with the public. It is important for these scientists to have the freedom to conduct research and communicate their findings without political interference. This helps to ensure that scientific findings are based on rigorous and impartial research, and that they are communicated to the public in a clear and transparent manner.

Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash