Dave Smith Details Media Corruption and American Decay to Chris Cuomo in Debate

In a recent clip featured on the Due Dissidence channel, comedian Dave Smith engaged in a thought-provoking discussion with Chris Cuomo, shedding light on the current state of America. Smith, an American comedian and member of the popular podcast “Legion of Skanks,” offered a poignant critique of America’s decline as a global empire. This perspective, often absent from mainstream media, was articulated with striking clarity.



Smith began by highlighting the characteristics of a late-stage empire: overextended military commitments, substantial national debt, and cultural decadence. He pointed out how these traits are evident in today’s America, from excessive military expenditures to an increasingly fragmented and superficial culture. Drawing a comparison between past intellectual debates and the current state of public discourse, Smith underscored the decline in the quality of societal dialogue.

Dave Smith, known for his sharp wit and Libertarian viewpoints, has gained a significant following for his candid commentary on political and social issues.

During the discussion with Cuomo, Smith criticized mainstream media outlets for focusing on cultural conflicts rather than exposing the deeper issues of economic and political corruption. According to Smith, the media’s failure to address the actions of powerful institutions like the Federal Reserve and the CIA contributes to the nation’s problems. Instead, they pit different groups against each other, distracting from the real issues that impact all Americans.

Smith’s comments on the erosion of meaningful political discourse were particularly poignant. He lamented how the focus on personal identity and self-expression has overshadowed substantial political goals. This shift, he argued, is a symptom of a society in decline, where the trajectory becomes increasingly irreversible.

In his discussion with Cuomo, Smith touched on the sense of hopelessness felt by many young people today. With barriers to homeownership and stable careers, many turn to self-expression as a means of asserting control over their lives. This trend, Smith suggested, reflects a deeper lack of purpose and direction in society.

Smith mentioned the Bernie Sanders campaigns as a “Hail Mary pass” to alter the country’s course, expressing a mix of hope and skepticism about the potential for significant change.

Dave Smith’s critique serves as a sobering reflection on the state of America. His call for a media that holds power accountable and a society that prioritizes meaningful political goals over divisive cultural wars resonates with many who feel disillusioned with the current state of affairs.


photo by Quinn Korsune

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